September 2014

Islam and Beheading

There has been a world-wide outcry against the beheadings of non-Muslims in the Middle East. This is not surprising because there is a natural human revulsion against such grotesque and vile deeds. Likewise, some Muslims have been condemning the terrifying spectacle of these gruesome and bloody beheadings too.  


Of course, it would, indeed, be rare that anyone would ever argue that it is permissible to behead an innocent person. A rational person would consider such an argument moral insanity. It is axiomatic that an innocent person is never legitimately punished, let alone beheaded. Even the militant Muslims don’t believe that an innocent person deserves to be punished. So, why do they behead these individuals?

A Message to President Obama from a former Muslim

According to many Western leaders, ISIS is barbaric group of Muslims who have completely hijacked the religion of Islam. These statements shows their ignorance of the life and teachings of Muhammad. Do these Western leaders know that Muhammad had many people beheaded? Do they know that Muhammad bragged that he as made successful through terror?

Allah's Apostle said, "... I have been made victorious with terror ... 1

Quoting the Qur'an, the hadith, and the life of Muhammad, Brother Rashid shows that ISIS is following many of the teachings of Muhammad and his close companions.
