Web Links

Islamoblog of Acts 17 Apologetics Ministries — with Christian - Muslim debates |
The most extensive web site on Christian/Muslim topics. |
Hyde Park Christian fellowship – an informal network of Christian researchers in the UK, whose primary interest is the academic study of all issues relevant to Islam and Christianity. |
A Coptic priest whose polemics about Islam reaches many in the Arabic language by literature, radio, and TV. |
Islam Review shows that the teachings of Islam are incompatible with Western freedoms. |
Provides a critique of Islam in light of nature, logic, the prophets, and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. |
Confronts the truth claims of Islam. |
Sharing the Good News with Muslims worldwide |
Bible translations with a free service for reading and researching Scripture online. |
Online Bibles. Biblica was formerly the International Bible Society. |
Many Bible translations and commentaries with various Bible study tools. |
Many Bible translations and commentaries with various Bible study tools. |
Arab Christians proclaiming the Gospel on TV in the Arab world |
Important news relating to Christians in Iran. |
Farsi language site with a variety of web links. |
Their mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all Farsi speaking people, specifically to those in Iran, using media (Internet, Radio, Web TV and Satellite). |
The goal of the ministry is to create tools for the spiritual growth, equipping, and mobilizing of the Farsi speaking church around the world. |
Farsi web site featuring the Believer's Bible Commentary in audio and written format. |
Farsi language Christian TV programming for a wide audience. |
Farsi language Christian TV programs |
همواره بر این است که، اخبار و رویدادهای مسیحیان جهان به خصوص مسیحیان فارسی زبان |
Scholarly articles discussing and critiquing Islam. |
This website is dedicated to informing the public about the religion of Islam from a Christian perspective. |
Sharing the true God of love with Muslims. |
Online Audio and free literature to download in many different languages. |
Crescent Project's mission is to inspire, equip and serve the Church to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Christ for the Glory of God. |
Discipling the Global Church to love and reach Muslims for Jesus Christ with audio and video teaching material. |
It presents the Injil (Gospel) in a Christ-centric manner. |
The purpose of JFM Network is to mobilize and link together those churches, individuals and ministries committed to reaching Muslims in the greater New York Area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. |
Proclaims the historic Christian faith within the context of the global challenge of Islam |
Testimonies of Muslims who have come to Jesus the Savior. |
Offers resources and involvement in outreach to Muslims. |
We are a community of Christians calling on the body of Christ to raise their voices on behalf of our persecuted family. |
The web site features the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and northern Africa. Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. Hebrews 13:3 |
PRC's vision is to grow an American church culture that actively seeks the well-being of persecuted Christians in foreign countries. |
We report on persecution, suffering and good news of the world Church. |
The Gospel Herald presents world news reports. |
Provides spiritual and material assistance to enable persecuted Christians to proclaim the Gospel and plant churches in hostile countries. |
Morning Star News is an independent news service focusing exclusively on persecution of Christians. |
Our mission is to encourage & equip American Christians & churches to pray, advocate, and provide relief for persecuted Christians. |
Voice of the Martyrs offers help to persecuted Christians around the world. |
World Watch Monitor reports the story of Christians around the world under pressure for their faith. |
A former Muslim responds to the challenge of Muslims on the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures. |
The web site for an e-book that presents the discussions between Muslims and a Christian on the Bible and Qur'an. |
Comments and selections of news and commentary for Christians and Muslims on various topics. |
Former Muslims and professional Islamic scholars who desire to assist both Muslims and non-Muslims who seek to learn more about Islam’s holiest book, the Qur'an. |
Portalul Crestinismul si Islamul (Christianity and Islam) a fost creat cu scopul promovării adevărului curat şi neîntinat al Sfintelor Scripturi şi de a veni în ajutorul tuturor celor ce-L caută pe Dumnezeu. |
Raspuns Islamului (Answer Islam) excellent site in the Romanian language. Besides being an excellent apologetic site, it gives practical advice for Christians in their witness to Muslim friends. |
Clarion Project presents the dangers of Islamist extremism while offering a platform for the voices of moderation and promoting grassroots activism. |
Muslim apostates describe Islam from an insider's view point. |
Exposes the threat that Islamic law presents to the West. |
Excellent site for up-to-date information on Muslim terrorism. |
Commentary on current news relating to Islamic jihad by Sheik yer’mami. |
Christ for Tunisia — المسيح في تونس |
Gadyrly ildeşler! Bu web-saýtymyz arkaly biz sizegünäl erden gutulyş, bu dünýäde ruhda gurply ýaşaýyş, ýürekde dynçlyk we baky ýaşaýyş berjek Hoş Habary size ýetirmek isleýäris! |
Making God's Love Visible via TV |
Videos produced by Acts 17 on apologetic topics including critiques of Islam. |
A video series presenting the message of the Bible and the Messiah in an easy-to-understand format. |
The movie explores the threat that a nuclear Iran poses for the Western world. |
Pfander films features academic studies on issues relevant to Islam and Christianity. |
A documentary on the reliability of the gospel accounts of the four disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. |